Lunes, Hunyo 13, 2016

Lovely Real-Life Laundry Room Ideas

Laundry Pinnable Image

Hello again! Dawn here, from, back with another mood board for your decoration inspiration. This month, I wanted to try tackling a room I've never created a mood board for before… the laundry room. I should start by saying that I detest laundry with a white hot passion. It is my absolute least favorite chore, and there is regularly a pile of clean but unfolded clothes on my guest bed. That being said, the one thing that occasionally motivates me to tackle the laundry monster is a clean and organized laundry room. If the laundry room looks cluttered or chaotic, all bets are off. Can you relate?

When we moved into our house, the laundry closet was a disaster (well the whole house really, but I'm trying to stay on topic here). We did some quick improvements that left it looking better, but not great. Then several months ago, I took my tiny laundry closet from just ok to what I consider much improved:

laundry-then vs now - Designing Dawn


You can read all about the stages of this makeover here. And although it's one million times better now, there is only so much you can do with a small closet for laundry. So today, I thought I'd dream a little and come up with an inspirational mood board for an actual laundry room. Like one you can walk into, with a door an everything. Dreamers gonna dream. 
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